Campaign For Illuminating Future Generations

Our current presence in Building11 on the Promenade anticipates future expansion into Building 10 of the original U.S. Light House General Depot. We are looking forward settling into our role as the pre-eminent voice for lighthouses around the world. In fact, we are already well along in the initiation of a comprehensive campaign to raise funds in support of this new building retrofit and the development of numerous high-tech exhibits and gallery space to more fully preserve the history of these iconic structures.

The campaign is being led by our honorary chair, Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, one of the great champions in the international lighthouse community. We were honored by her visit recognizing the launch of our Campaign For Illuminating Future Generations.

While the $20 million build-out of the expanded Museum space is the principal component of the campaign endeavor there is another element of this process that we must give serious attention to at this time. Along with the capital monies for construction, City officials will be looking for evidence that we have achieved a strong fiscal position from an operational perspective. After all, we can all certainly appreciate their desire to partner with an organization who has the capacity to sustain and grow programming within the facility for many years on into the future. So, this is where you come in…

Your support to our Annual Fund will not only help us to meet our budgetary expectations, but will demonstrate at this moment in time that we do have a strong base of donors who care deeply for the Museum and all it represents. It is our hope to double the Annual Fund piece of our overall budget, and to secure multiple year pledges at these new giving levels for the years to come.

To this end, we would greatly appreciate your consideration of a special gift commitment to the Museum and a pledge to make this gift each year for the next five years. Thank you so much for all you have done over our first five years, and for what we hope you will be able to do in the next five to come.

Other ways to donate:

  • Download and complete our pledge form. Return it with your donation to the Museum      Campaign Pledge Form
  • By check, made out to National Lighthouse Museum
  • Mail to:

National Lighthouse Museum
200 The Promenade at Lighthouse Point
Staten Island, NY 10301-0296


Questions? Call 718-390-0040 or email